Ministry funded PLD

We have several people accredited to deliver PLD for Cohort 4 in Term 2. Someone lives in or can travel to all districts. All our facilitators are under the Spectrum Education umbrella, and all will have had some training from me.

We are specialists in meeting the literacy needs of older students in a structured, sequenced way. We will cover the research and evidence as it applies to older students, answering the following questions along the way:

How are the disengaged to be engaged?
How can those who are below or well-below a satisfactory level catch up?
How are the skills to be built in an age-appropriate way, in a classroom with diverse needs?
Why do so many students seem to decode adequately but struggle with spelling and comprehension? What is the link?
Why does more and more phonics instruction seem to make so little difference to writing and comprehension outcomes?
How can the highly competent students be extended in a structured literacy framework?

Several team members also have a sound grounding in the needs of Year 1 – 3. I am not one of them, but we can deliver PLD as a team.

Jenny Tebbutt has a specialist understanding of ADHD, autism and other dys’s and isms. With Jenny’s input, we will all be able to assist you with managing the needs of these students.