PLD Webinars
I will be conducting a series of free webinars over the course of this year. This series is especially for teachers of intermediate and secondary students but should also be of interest to teachers of years 5 and 6 students. No webinar will exceed one hour and some may be shorter than that.
Topics include:
- Why do so many students seem to decode adequately but struggle with both spelling and comprehension? What is the link? How can this be addressed?
- How do you teach kids to make inferences?
- These students are so far from achieving NCEA writing standards. How can their writing competence be lifted in time? (This webinar is relevant to teachers of Year 5 – 8 students as well.)
- Direct teaching of vocabulary is essential but far from enough. What else can be done to build students’ vocabulary?
- Managing diverse needs within a senior classroom. How can the most competent be extended in a structured literacy framework? Why does this matter?
- How can students working at level 1 or 2 of the curriculum be advanced in a busy classroom?
- How can the disengaged be engaged?
And many others.
I am more than happy for teachers to request other topics. So long as the topic is within my area of expertise, I will do my best to include it.
These will be presented at 3.30 p.m. and at 7.30 p.m, usually on Wednesdays and Thursdays, with the option of a special delivery by zoom to a staff meeting, RTLB cluster, Kahui ako or other group.
Please let me know if you or anyone else would like their name (and email address) on a notification list.