Level 4 Senior kit


This level builds on the skills developed in level 3, and adds in initial blends, ng, ar, ow as in grow, y as in fly. Follow-up activities involve a mix of drawing and writing, including writing some plays. The kit contains 19 books suitable for 11 - 14 year olds.

$325 + GST

The contents of this kit teach children how to apply their developing awareness of sounds in words to reading and spelling. To develop this awareness of sounds, you will need either Wordchain 2, or a set of letter tiles, or both. Letter tiles can be added to this kit for $35.00 + GST. Relevant activities will then be included as an appendix in the manual at no extra charge. Total cost with letter tiles $360.00 + GST

Level 7 Senior kit


This level builds on the skills developed in level 6, and adds in common vowel digraphs, (ai, ou, ew etc), and common prefixes.There are 17 books, all of them suitable for 11 -14 year olds. They are longer, and build on comprehension skills. All books have follow up activities that develop writing skills.

This kit follows the skills developed in Wordchain 4.

$310 + GST

Details of junior and composite kits at this level coming soon.

Composite kit Level 1


This kit includes all the resources for older students struggling at this level, from ages 8 - 14 . There are 19 books made up of basic three letter words, some written with 8 - 10 year olds in mind, others for 11 – 14 year olds, and more suitable for all ages. Additional reading material on the USB. Letter tile activities are essential at this level. The kit includes a set of tiles, and appropriate activities in the manual.

$300 +GST

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