Rocket Boosters and a Horse’s Backside
by Betsy Sewell $10.00 + GST each - 1667 words $8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book Why are rocket boosters so skinny? How this relates back to the [...]
A Pet Fox
by Betsy sewell $8.00 + GST each - 739 words $6.50 + GST for four or more copies of this book Foxes are smart and cute, but do they make good pets? The pros [...]
To Get To My Job
by Betsy Sewell $8.00 +GST - 740 words or $6.50 + GST for four or more copies of this book The hero of this story is determined to get to work on time, but just [...]
Whiskers Black
By Betsy Sewell$10.00 + GST - 2506 words$8.50 + GST - each for four or more copies of this bookWho is this terrifying bearded stranger, and is he really as terrifying as he looks? Why [...]
How they play cricket
By Betsy Sewell $10.00+GST each $8.00+GST each for four or more copies of this book As a cricket match progresses, the ball deteriorates. How do the best international bowlers exploit this to get a batsman [...]
Stuck Jammed Trapped
By Betsy Sewell$10.00 + GST - 1816 words$8 .00 + GST for four or more copies of this bookA giant Pacific octopus finds itself stuck in the gullet of a blue whale. He muses on [...]
Ndotto the Elephant
Story by Betsy Sewell Final blends with simple suffixes $10.00 + GST - 1670 words $8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book Ndotto is a tiny, premature baby elephant orphaned [...]
One Man and a Donkey
Story by Betsy Sewell $10.00 + GST - 1596 words $8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book The true story of Jack Simpson, who used a donkey to bring injured [...]
Diving with a Manta Ray
Story by Betsy Sewell Many words with o_e and i_e $10.00 + GST - 2337 words $8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book An underwater film maker befriends a huge [...]
A Winner
Betsy Sewell ing, ed and er suffixes$8.00 + GST - 744 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookWho is bigger, who can shift more dirt, the digger or [...]
Taking Control of the Nile
Betsy Sewell ‘silent’ e pattern, ee, ea, or $9.00 + GST - 1868 words $7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book The Aswan Dam has changed Egypt, but there have [...]
An Emerald Pendant
by Betsy Sewell 'silent e pattern,ee,ea,or $9.00 + GST 1847 words $7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book Jane and David become separated by war, and then spend most of [...]
A Spy in the Colony
by Betsy Sewell ck,and le,et,ly suffixes $10.00+GST - 1689 words $8.50+GST for four or more copies of this book A seagull chick must learn to survive, to avoid becoming a snack for the cats and [...]
That was That
Story by Jan Farrcvc words with th$7.00 + GST - 376 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookShe warned him that that would be that if he went to the [...]
Rot in a Log
by Betsy Sewellcvc words with s suffix and double final consonant (will, puff, moss)$8.00 + GST - 661 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookMany creatures make their home in [...]
Daddy Long Legs
by Betsy Sewell
further practice with ng words
$8.50 + GST 1169 words
$7.00 + GST each for four or more books.
Why does a Daddy Long Legs live in your house, and is it a friend or a foe?
Turtles in Peril
by Betsy SewellVowels ai, oa, ou, ir, ur, and consonants tch and dge$10.00 + GST - 1692 words$8.50 + GST each for 4 or more copies of this bookThe green sea turtle is facing multiple [...]
Pepper in the Batter
by Jan Farr ed and er suffixes$8.00+GST - 716 words$6.50+GST for four or more copies of this bookSome of the family like pepper in their batter, some do not. Trying to get it right for everyone [...]
Cob and Sod
by Betsy Sewell$10.00 + GST - 1169 words$8.50 + GST each for 4 or more copies of this bookCvc words, double final consonants (toss, add), plus th, ch and sh.How to build a house for next [...]
When a Mozzy Bit Me
By Betsy Sewell$8.00+GST - 908 words$6.50+GST for four or more copies of this bookWhy do female mosquitoes attack us? What happens when she lays her eggs? The life cycle explained.
Riff-Raff and Fuddy-Duddy
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 905 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe young people may be untidy, and noisy, but they are dedicated to hip-hop and rap. They [...]
The Battles of an Arctic Fox
By Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1351 words$7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookHow does a little fox survive the winter in the Arctic, facing the challenges of hunting for [...]
A Runaway’s Tale
By Betsy Sewell $10.00 + GST 2521 words $8.50 + GST each for 4 or more copies of this book A runaway slave makes his precarious way to freedom, not knowing who he can trust. And [...]
I am a Tracker
By Betsy Sewell $10.00 + GST – 2178 words $8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book How does a trained Search and Rescue tracker find a missing person? What signs [...]
By Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1225 words$7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookIt is hard to imagine a less innocuous little fish, until it is under threat. Then the [...]
Fishing for Cod
by Betsy Sewell $9.00+GST - 1403 words $7.50+GST for four or more copies of this book Cod, once hugely abundant in the North Atlantic, are now facing possible extinction. How did that happen? The story [...]
My Big Rig
By Betsy Sewell$8.00+GST - 823 words$6.50+GST for four or more copies of this bookWhat is involved in long distance haulage in a big rig, over ill-maintained roads and in threatening weather.
Rat Gets Fat
By Betsy Sewell$7.00+GST - 294 words$6.00+GST for four or more copies of this bookThe cat has a problem: how to get that big dog off her mat. Rat comes up with a plan. But of [...]
Letter Tiles and Phonological Awareness Manual
$65 + GST Included in the kit: Phonological awareness manual. 1 set of letter tiles in sturdy container
Composite kit Level 1
This kit includes all the resources for older students struggling at this level, from ages 8 - 14 . There are 19 books made up of basic three letter words, some written with 8 - 10 year olds in mind, others for 11 – 14 year olds, and more suitable for all ages. Additional reading material on the USB. Letter tile activities are essential at this level. The kit includes a set of tiles, and appropriate activities in the manual.
$300 +GST
Composite kit Level 3
This kit includes all the resources for older kids struggling at this level, regardless of age. There are 16 books in total, some written with 8 - 10 year olds in mind, others for 11 – 14 year olds, and more for all ages. It is the recommended option for full primary schools, area schools, and for tutors who work with mixed ages.
$270 +GST
The contents of this kit teach children how to apply their developing awareness of sounds in words to reading and spelling. To develop this awareness of sounds, you will need either Wordchain 2, or a set of letter tiles, or both. Letter tiles can be added to this kit for $35.00 + GST. Relevant activities are included in the manual. Total cost with letter tiles $305.00 + GST
The Glider
By Betsy Sewell $10.00 + GST - 2362 words $8.50 + GST - each for 4 or more copies of this book How do you escape from a heavily guarded World War 2 prison camp? [...]
Picking up Kitty
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 874 words$6.50 + GST - each for 4 or more copies of this bookBy a process akin to Chinese whispers, the little kitten becomes a big black ox. [...]
Bugs in the Jam
By Betsy Sewell$7.00+ GST - 341 words$6.00 + GST - each for 4 or more copies of this bookHow do you get rid of masses of bugs in the jam? Perhaps they are not bugs, [...]
The Illness of Tilly the Pig
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 893 words$6.50 + GST - each for 4 or more copies of this book.The two pigs were the best of pals, mostly, more or less, but when one became [...]
River Otter, Sea Otter
By Betsy Sewell $10.00 + GST - 2611 words $8.50 + GST - each for four or more copies of this book Otters that have taken to living in the sea must live and raise [...]
Nag Nag
by Betsy Sewell$8.00+GST - 775 words$6.50+GST for four or more copies of this bookThe kids are all too busy to help mum get dinner, until there is no dinner...
The Problem of a Soccer Mad Dad
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 905 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookDad is annoyingly mad on soccer, and claims he was once a star. No-one believes him, until [...]
Level 1 Senior kit
Contains 19 books, suitable for students 11 - 14 years . Additional reading material on the USB.
This level introduces reading skills with 3 letter consonant-vowel-consonant words. The s suffix is added in part way through this level, and towards the end double final consonants: toss, well, mess, off, fill. Follow-up activities involve drawing. Letter tile activities are essential at this level. Tiles included in kit, and range of activities in the manual. Wordchain 1 relates to this level.
$300 + GST
Level 2 Senior kit
This level builds on the skills introduced in level 1, and adds in plus th, sh, ch, wh; and ing, ed, er and y suffixes. Comprehension activities involve drawing. Several books have been re-written as a play.
This kit contains 19 books appropriate for 11 - 14 year olds.
$290 + GST
The resources in this kit teach children how to apply their developing awareness of sounds in words to reading and spelling. To develop this awareness of sounds, you will need either Wordchain 1, or a set of letter tiles, or both. Letter tiles can be added to this kit for $35.00 + GST. Relevant activities will then be included as an appendix in the manual at no extra charge. Total cost with letter tiles included $325 + GST
Level 3 Senior kit
This level build on the skills developed in level 2, and adds in ck, -all words, ay, and le, led, et and en suffixes. Books are longer and much more sophisticated. This kit contains 13 books for 11 - 14 year olds.
$250 + GST
The resources in this kit teach children how to apply their developing awareness of sounds in words to reading and spelling. To develop this awareness of sounds, you will need either Wordchain 2, or a set of letter tiles, or both. Letter tiles can be added to this kit for $35.00 + GST. Relevant activities are included in the manual. Total cost with letter tiles $285.00 + GST
Level 4 Senior kit
This level builds on the skills developed in level 3, and adds in initial blends, ng, ar, ow as in grow, y as in fly. Follow-up activities involve a mix of drawing and writing, including writing some plays. The kit contains 19 books suitable for 11 - 14 year olds.
$325 + GST
The contents of this kit teach children how to apply their developing awareness of sounds in words to reading and spelling. To develop this awareness of sounds, you will need either Wordchain 2, or a set of letter tiles, or both. Letter tiles can be added to this kit for $35.00 + GST. Relevant activities will then be included as an appendix in the manual at no extra charge. Total cost with letter tiles $360.00 + GST
Level 5 Senior kit
This level builds on the skills developed in level 4, and adds in final blends. The books are longer and more sophisticated, with a much bigger emphasis on comprehension. Follow up activities involve planning and writing.
To teach students how to apply their developing awareness of the sounds in words to reading and spelling, you will also need either Wordchain 2 or a set of letter tiles, or both. Letter tile activities are included in the manual. Letter tiles are $35.00 + GST.
Details of composite and junior kits at this level coming soon.
Level 6 Senior kit
This level builds on the skills developed in level 5, and adds in a_e, i_e, o_e, (the silent e pattern), ee and ea, or and igh. ce and ge are introduced here. The kit includes 16 books, all suitable for 11 -14 year olds. They are generally longer with a greater emphasis on comprehension. Follow up activities focus heavily on writing skills.
This kit follows the skills developed in Wordchain 3.
$280 + GST
Details of junior and composite kits at this level coming soon.
Level 7 Senior kit
This level builds on the skills developed in level 6, and adds in common vowel digraphs, (ai, ou, ew etc), and common prefixes.There are 17 books, all of them suitable for 11 -14 year olds. They are longer, and build on comprehension skills. All books have follow up activities that develop writing skills.
This kit follows the skills developed in Wordchain 4.
$310 + GST
Details of junior and composite kits at this level coming soon.
My Bus
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 562 words$6.50+ GST each for four or more copies of this bookI am happy living in a bus with just the stuff I really need, but my mum is [...]
Story by Jan Farr $7.00 + GST - 228 words $6.00 + GST each for four or more books All about who produces gas...
A Nap in the Sun
By Betsy Sewell$7.00 + GST - 285 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookOne little spot in the sun, and all the animals want it.
Gus the Pup
By Betsy Sewell$7.00 + GST - 307 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookA playful little puppy gets bitten by a bug hiding in the rug. [...]
The Rag Pet
By Betsy Sewell$7.00 + GST - 382 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookMum says No to every pet Meg suggests, so she takes inspiration from her rag doll and [...]
Wag Wag
Story and play by Jan Farr$7.00 + GST - 188 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookNo-one likes the wet dog being too playful – and getting them wet! [...]
Go, Sam, Go
Story by Jan Farr$7.00 + GST - 335 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookMum interferes with the race so that her boy is the winner. [...]
Nan is O.K.
Story by Jan Farr$7.00 + GST - 284 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookNan jets in and fixes the problem of the jam spilt on Mum’s best rug. [...]
Mum’s Big Mess
By Betsy Sewell$7.00 + GST - 219 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookMum’s cooking leaves much to be desired.
A Kip in the Sun
Story by Jan Farr$7.00 + GST - 305 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookPop just wants a little kip in the sun, but the kids annoy him with their [...]
Yum said Mum
By Jan Farr$7.00+GST - 326 words$6.00+GST for four or more copies of this bookMum is too ill to get up - until someone brings her something delicious
A Tad
by Jan Farr$7.00 + GST - 233 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookA tad, a dot, a jot, a dab – they all mean not a lot of [...]
A Monster Problem
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 556 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookWhat to do about a pet monster with monster hic cups?
A Mix Up
Story by Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 728 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookA slapstick cop and robber story.
For My Kids
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST, 528 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookDad goes pig hunting, and comes home with a treat for the kids.
A Pet for Todd
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 682 words$6.50 + GST - for four or more copies of this bookTodd wants a pet, but the pitfalls of pet ownership need to be considered. [...]
Hatty the Hen
By Jan Farr$7.00 + GST - 414 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this booked, ing, y and er suffixes.Hatty wants to be a cat, but what does the cat think? [...]
A Bad Vet
By Betsy Sewell$7.00 + GST - 474 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookMainly cvc, with some th words (this, them that...) The animals treated badly by the vet decide [...]
Jess the Cat
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 543 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookMore th words. Jess hops on the bus, looking for a person to live with. [...]
Polly and the Gas Man
by Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1019 words$7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookBetty is struggling to teach the parrot new words and phrases, but after a bizarre interaction with [...]
Josh and his Bus
By Betsy Sewell$7.00 + GST - 413 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookMany sh words, er and y endings. Josh takes a short cut, and gets his bus stuck [...]
Big Gax and the Bad Men
Story and play by Jan Farr$8.00 + GST - 592 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe bad men get Gax, there is a monster in the fog – but [...]
Sam and the Piglet
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 602 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookSam must wear a hat and top to go and feed the pigs, so that he does [...]
Billy the Bad
Story and play by Jan Farr$8.00 + GST - 373 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookWho is the badder baddy? And is the robber just a fibber? [...]
Pig and Dog
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 719 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookWho will win the race? The cheat, of course, unless he is found out. [...]
Into The Mud
By Betsy SewellIntroduces sh, ch and wh$9.00 + GST, 1096 words $7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookMud runs are supposed to be fun, but the winner gets $200. [...]
The Old Tom Cat
By Betsy Sewell$7.00 + GST - 282 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookay words. The old Tom cat just wants to rest, but is pestered by a playful rabbit. [...]
The Tin and Box Man
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 713 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookMany ay words, er, y, ed and ing suffixes. Some ck words. As the children build a [...]
The Rock cutters
Story by Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 828 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThree men sit in the hot sun, cutting rocks. So why does one think this is [...]
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 604 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookMany ck words, le suffix. A bug goes up to the deck to finish off the dog’s [...]
Cop and Robber
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 657 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookCop and Robber Includes some initial blends. A foolish robber and a not very bright cop, but [...]
A Hat for the Rugby
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 642 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookck, and ay and y words. The characters try deception to get a rugby hat for nothing, [...]
Poem by Jan Farr$8.00 + GST - 571 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookA gloriously funny poem about various animals acquired to get rid of the rats. [...]
All for a Better Shell
Story by Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1375 words$7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe strategies and antics hermit crabs employ to get a better shell. [...]
A Letter in a Bottle
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 1001 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookMany ck words, and le and en suffixes. The story of young Nick who at 11 ran [...]
Mr. Ducket’s Ferret
By Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1147 words$7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookMany ck words. et and en suffixes. How is Mr. Ducket to stop the pick-pocketers on his [...]
A Shipwreck
By Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1297 words$7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe villagers are struggling to survive and pay the land tax, when a ship loaded with valuable [...]
My Gran
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 714 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookInitial blends, er, y and le endings, some ck words. It is embarrassing going on the bus [...]
Griff and his Sled
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 997 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookMany initial blends, ccvc words. The challenge is to build the very best sled for the sand [...]
The Maths Test
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 752 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookAny excuse will do to get out of the maths test, but one lie leads to a [...]
Dilly Duck
By Betsy Sewell$10.00 + GST - 1549 words$8.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookA duckling brought up by a child can be very demanding. But when she becomes a mother [...]
Little Red gets Cunning
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 940 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookLittle Red the fox cub is learning to hunt. He has much to learn, but in the [...]
Getting Dinner
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 749 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe fish and chip shop is shut, so to get fish and chips, you must first make [...]
Little Butterfly
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 663 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe old moth teaches a rebellious young butterfly how to dry her wings and fly. [...]
Chicken Licken
By Betsy Sewell$7.00 + GST - 484 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThere are many versions of this fable – this version will be new to most children. [...]
By Betsy Sewell$7.00 + GST - 456 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe legend of how rugby was invented from a flat soccer ball at Rugby School. [...]
A Trip to the Rugby
By Betsy Sewell$7.00 + GST - 195 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookGoing to the rugby, but the car will not start.
The King’s Hat
Story by Ali Foster$7.00 + GST - 408 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe hat maker makes glorious hats, but getting one fit for a king – now that [...]
Party in the Dark
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 662 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe best parties do not involve spending lots of money.
A Frog Pet
By Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1109 words$7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookYou may want an unusual pet, but keeping a frog has its pitfalls. [...]
The Starfish
By Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1014 words$7.50+ GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe fascinating life of the starfish.
The Little Chick
By Betsy Sewell$7.00 + GST - 567 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe fable of the little chick who knows so much better than the grown-ups. [...]
The Ant and the Cricket
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 916 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookAll summer long, the lazy cricket mocks the ant hard at work storing food for the winter, [...]
Mr. Rat and Mr. Frog
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 790 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookA version of an Aesop Fable. How Mr. Frog tricks Mr. Rat to always win the race. [...]
By Betsy Sewell $7.00 + GST - 413 words $6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this book Children reluctantly go camping with Dad, but discover its joys and do not want [...]
Me with the Paddles
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 1265 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookWhat sort of creature am I? The clues come, and the child must put the clues together [...]
Agnes and Mrs. Smith
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 623 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookAgnes the spider and Mrs. Smith live in the same house. When both have mothers coming to [...]
By Betsy Sewell$7.00 + GST - 485 words$6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookGran comes to look after a child in bed with mumps, and explains about being sick in [...]
Under the Bed
By Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1006 words$7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookA girl makes friends with a ghost trapped under her bed.
The Hut
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 804 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookBoys build and furnish a hut in the plum tree, only to have it taken over by [...]
My Days in a Skidder Gang
By Betsy Sewell $9.00 + GST - 1277 words $7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book Logging in mid-19th century Canada, its dangers, and using the ice on the tracks [...]
My Days as a River Pig
By Betsy Sewell $9.00 + GST - 1645 words $7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book Sequel to My Days in the Skidder Gang. The logs are stacked on a [...]
The Chest in the River
By Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1005 words$7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookA chest is found in the river. The children try many ways to retrieve it, expecting riches [...]
The Godwits
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 938 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe story of the godwits' incredible flight to the tundra in Alaska, and back to New Zealand. [...]
The Shag
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 762 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookHow the shag fishes, how it brings up its young, and how traditional fishermen in Japan trained [...]
Sally Mon
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 981 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe story of a salmon, and her challenge to get past the (hydro) dam in the river [...]
Mum’s Garden Plan
By Betsy Sewell $8.00 + GST - 830 words $6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book Mum wants a new garden, and begins by taking the rubbish to the dump. [...]
The Robins
By Betsy Sewell $9.00 + GST - 1476 words $7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book The story of the incredible little New Zealand robin.
A Jar of Jam
By Betsy Sewell $9.00 + GST - 1137 words $7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book Mum loses the jar of jam she has just bought, and it is found [...]
Jin the Otter
By Betsy Sewell $10.00 + GST - 1576 words $8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book When Jin the Otter escaped from the (Auckland) zoo, the public, the police, the [...]
Getting to the Summit
By Betsy Sewell $9.00 + GST - 1395 words $7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book The story reads as if a man is making his way to the summit [...]
Nessy the Monster
By Betsy Sewell $9.00 + GST - 1328 words $7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book Nessie the Loch Ness monster corresponds with Angus who lives by the lake. How [...]
The Quake
By Betsy Sewell $8.00 + GST - 731 words $6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book After the earthquake, the landscape is altered, and the map the trampers have bought [...]
Mandy’s Problem
By Betsy Sewell $7.00 + GST - 374 words $6.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this book Mandy must tidy her room, and comes up with some very quick quick-fixes. [...]
The Snake Problem
By Betsy Sewell $9.00 + GST - 1058 words $7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book How actually do you capture a snake basking on your deck? [...]
The Limpet
By Betsy Sewell $9.00 + GST - 1018 words $7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book What an absolutely fascinating little creature the limpet is! What ingenious ways it has [...]
The Whale Stranding
By Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1390 words$7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookBased on a true event. A particularly difficult whale stranding, and what must be done to save [...]
The Leaf Cutter Ants
By Betsy Sewell $8.00 + GST - 759 words $6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book The incredibly complex social and farming systems of these ants. [...]
Rin Tin Tin
By Betsy Sewell $9.00 + GST - 1425 words $7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book The true story of a puppy rescued from the brink of starvation from a [...]
Libby Riddles
By Betsy Sewell $10.00 + GST - 1717 words $8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book Libby was the first woman to win the grueling dog sled race across Alaska, [...]
Hitler and his Beetle
Story by Betsy Sewell $9.00 + GST - 1408 words $7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book How Adolf Hitler and Ferdinand Porsche collaborated to design the biggest selling car [...]
By Betsy Sewell $9.00 + GST - 1404 words $7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book From the gold fields of Central Otago. Finding gold is not quite as easy [...]
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 561 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookWho gets the biggest fright when you encounter a stingray – you or the stingray? [...]
Adrift with a Shark
By Betsy Sewell$10.00 + GST - 2939 words$8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe relationship between a man alone on a life raft, and the shark that arrives every evening [...]
Pink Candles
By Betsy Sewell$10.00 + GST - 2041 words$8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookDigging for coal in the days when dark tunnels were lit by candles attached to the miner’s [...]
My Holiday
By Betsy Sewell$10.00 + GST - 2158 words$8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookGoing on holiday with Dad to Mars. Mum says eat properly, sleep properly, clean your teeth and [...]
Catching Flying Fish
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 728 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookCatching flying fish the traditional way, with flares and nets on moonless nights. [...]
The Beaver
By Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1455 words$7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookBeaver dams and lodges are engineering feats. How the beaver creates its own habitat, for winter and [...]
The Christmas Truce
By Betsy Sewell$10.00 + GST - 1582 words$8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookOn Christmas Day, 1914, enemies emerged from the trenches to play soccer. How did this change attitudes [...]
The Humpback Whale
By Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1068 words$7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe migratory life of the colossal humpback whale.
The Runner
By Betsy Sewell$10.00 + GST - 1682 words$8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookWhen the mine collapsed trapping the miners for 69 days, Edison Pena kept his sanity by running, [...]
The End of the War
By Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1056 words$7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookIn the days before text messaging, television or even radio, it was the children of New Zealand [...]
The Elephant Problem
By Betsy Sewell$8.00 + GST - 943 words$6.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe farmers of Kenya had a problem with elephants raiding their gardens. They tried everything from electric [...]
Living in a Yurt
By Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1368 words$7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe lives of the Turkish nomads, who depend absolutely on their sheep.
The First All Blacks
By Betsy Sewell$10.00 + GST - 1512 words$8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe 1905 rugby tour of Britain. How a group of unknown footballers turned into heroic rugby players, [...]
This Life of Mine
By Betsy Sewell$10.00 + GST - 2542 words$8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookA young man living a near subsistence lifestyle on a remote Pacific atoll takes the reader through [...]
The Hunter and the Bear
By Betsy Sewell$10.00 +GST - 2871 words$8.00 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookAn unarmed hunter carries his trophy back to camp, and encounters a hungry grizzly bear. The bear has [...]
Fast and Slow
By Betsy Sewell$9.00 + GST - 1416 words$7.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookThe swift and the falcon are the fastest of earth’s creatures, and the sloth is ever so [...]
T. Rex
By Betsy Sewell$10.00 + GST - 2213 words$8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this bookJust a few bones and no complete skeletons remain of the mighty T. Rex, so how have [...]
To Elephant Island
By Betsy Sewell $10.00 + GST - 3630 words $8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book The sequel to A Voyage in Antarctica. Taking to the lifeboats in Antarctic waters, [...]
A Voyage in Antarctica
By Betsy Sewell $10.00 + GST - 3545 words $8.50 + GST each for four or more copies of this book The true story of Shackleton’s ill-fated voyage to Antarctica, and how the crew survived [...]